BricsCAD: The CAD platform of tomorrow

Take advantage of the opportunity to create precise 2D and 3D designs quickly and effortlessly – BricsCAD transforms your design process. You will feel the difference from the first sketch to the finished model.


No credit card required


No credit card required

BricsCAD elevates the CAD experience to a whole new level.


The customer support is fantastic.

BricsCAD: The CAD platform of tomorrow

Take advantage of the opportunity to create precise 2D and 3D designs quickly and effortlessly – BricsCAD transforms your design process. You will feel the difference from the first sketch to the finished model.

Connect to Content

Add layers or components to infinitely loop on your page.

Advantages of BricsCAD at a Glance

Mechanical Precision

BricsCAD stands for precise modeling and editing of mechanical designs.

DWG Compatibility

Work with a familiar interface and a proven file format.

Secure Cloud

Use the latest version and avoid file conflicts by checking in and out.

Efficient collaboration

Use Bricsys 24/7 for seamless team communication and project management.

Intelligent BIM Solutions

Rely on AI-driven planning processes for precise and rapid results.

Flexibility and Control

Purchase or lease licenses according to your needs – BricsCAD adapts to you.

BricsCAD® Lite

Ideal for precise 2D design, BricsCAD Lite offers a powerful, DWG-compatible drawing software that combines a familiar interface with an affordable, perpetual licensing option. Perfect for users who want to create straightforward and reliable drawings in a familiar environment.

BricsCAD® Pro

Expand your design possibilities with BricsCAD Pro, which combines advanced 2D and 3D modeling tools in a flexible software package. Whether for construction or creative modeling, BricsCAD Pro offers an intuitive user interface and seamless workflows.


Embrace the future of building with BricsCAD BIM, an AI-supported BIM software for architects and civil engineers. Create precise models and plans using an open, DWG-based system that enables seamless collaboration with third-party software.

BricsCAD® Mechanical

From design to assembly, BricsCAD Mechanical supports the entire mechanical engineering process with a comprehensive toolbox. Based on DWG and combined with 3D direct modeling, engineers can effortlessly create and customize complex mechanical designs.

BricsCAD® Ultimate

Leverage the power of BricsCAD® Lite, Pro, BIM, and Mechanical in a comprehensive and cost-effective package!

100+ features that make your work easier and more efficient

100+ features that make your work easier and more efficient

  • Drawings

    User Interface

    Visualization Tools

    Civil Tools


  • Modeling tools

    ACIS Modeling

    Volume and surface modeling

    Basic Volume Body

    Layer and Layer Status

  • Dark and Light Color Scheme

    Cloud Collaboration

    Drawing Comparison

    Native DWG file format

    Network Multi-User

  • Academic Licenses


    Animation Editor


    Animation Editor

  • TIN Surface Modeling

    TIN volume surface

    Civil 3D Object Enabler

    Architectural Desktop Object Enabler

    CADWorx Object Enabler

Customer Feedback

What our customers have to say

  • The training allowed me to expand my knowledge of BricsCAD and made my professional life easier as a result. I am already looking forward to the next training!

    Salvatore Cerminara

    Feedback on the BricsCAD 3D Basic Training

    The training was very helpful for beginners. The videos on the website are also excellent! Highly recommended for CAD beginners. Definitely again :)

    Michelle, Brix

    Feedback on the BricsCAD 2D Basic Training

    A very interesting advanced training in BricsCAD, from which one benefits by learning the fundamental functions of BricsCAD in practical application.

    Ulrich Remmelberger

    Feedback on the BricsCAD 2D Basics Training

    I tried to learn how BricsCad works through online tutorials, but I greatly appreciated the professional approach of CAD Germany in their training. In my case, investing in Bricscad training proved to be a relevant choice and enabled me to be up and running with the software more quickly.

    Eric Schröder

    Feedback on the BricsCAD Mechanical Training

    Michael Tomin

    Feedback on the BricsCAD 3D Fundamentals Training

    Ideal for anyone entering the 3D world. All the basics, tips, and tricks are explained in detail, and all questions are answered.

    Andreas, Albrecht

    Feedback on the BricsCAD 2D Basic Training

    Many topics were addressed. Individual questions were handled independently. Overall, the explanations were effective and good; it was nice and friendly (which is not a matter of course nowadays).

    My expectations were high, and the topics were precisely in my area of interest. As participants, we gained access to the latest BIM software applications and learned how to use them effectively. Through practical examples and exercises, the acquired knowledge could be applied. My participation in this 3D modeling training seminar was extremely rewarding. The training was very informative and helpful.

    Martina Fubel

    Feedback on BricsCAD BIM


    The well-structured guidance throughout the training. Questions were answered competently and promptly. All in all, a very good training session.

    Thorsten Seifert

    Feedback on the BricsCAD 2D Basic Training

    The lecturer was very structured, well-prepared, addressed all questions in detail, and, if something wasn't known immediately, found the answer during breaks.

    Tasja Röse-Koyro

    Feedback on the BricsCAD 2D Basics Training

    Structured approach, good expertise, balanced ratio between explanation and exercises, opportunity to ask and have your own questions on specific issues answered.

    Georg Winkler

    Feedback on the BricsCAD 2D Basic Training

    It was well explained and then tried and practiced. Questions could be clarified effectively. Additionally, many tips and information were provided.

    Claudia Krieg

    Feedback on the BricsCAD 2D Basic Training

    For me, it was supposed to be a refresher for AutoCAD or to learn about parallels with BricsCAD, and I received that. I got information and tips, and my questions were also well answered.

    Peggy von Itter

    Feedback on BricsCAD 2D - Transition from AutoCAD/LT

Learn how our clients benefit from our services – genuine voices from the field.

Bricsys 24/7

Bricsys 24/7 is a cloud-based Common Data Environment for document management and workflow automation. Access and share your documents from anywhere with your global teams.

Optimize your design processes with BricsCAD, increase efficiency, and reduce costs with our CAD software solutions.

Contact us



BricsCad has the right tool for every challenge.

BricsCAD® Lite

BricsCAD® Pro


BricsCAD® Mechanical

Bricsys 24/7

Flexibility and Control

Purchase or lease licenses according to your needs – BricsCAD adapts to you.

Efficient collaboration

Use Bricsys 24/7 for seamless team communication and project management.

Intelligent BIM Solutions

Rely on AI-driven planning processes for precise and rapid results.

Mechanical Precision

BricsCAD stands for precise modeling and editing of mechanical designs.

DWG Compatibility

Work with a familiar interface and a proven file format.

Secure Cloud

Use the latest version and avoid file conflicts by checking in and out.

Advantages of BricsCAD at a Glance

What our customers have to say

Learn how our clients benefit from our services – genuine voices from the field.

Customer Feedback

  • Durch die Schulung konnte ich mein Wissen in BricsCAD erweitern und meinen Berufsalltag dadurch erleichtern. Ich freue mich schon auf die nächste Schulung!

    Salvatore Cerminara

    Feedback zur BricsCAD 3D Grundlagenschulung

    Eine sehr interessante Fortbildung in BricsCAD, von der man profitiert, indem man die grundlegenden Funktionen von BricsCAD in der Praxisanwendung erlernt.

    Ulrich Remmelberger

    Feedback zur BricsCAD 2D Grundlagenschulung

    Ich habe versucht über Tutorials im Internet zu lernen wie BricsCad funktioniert, aber ich habe den professionellen Ansatz von CAD Deutschland bei der Schulung sehr geschätzt. In meinem Fall stellte sich die Investition in Bricscad-Schulungen als eine relevante Wahl heraus und ermöglichte mir, schneller einsatzbereit zu sein mit diese Software.

    Eric Schröder

    Feedback on the BricsCAD Mechanical


    Für alle die in die 3D Welt einsteigen ideal. Es werden alle Grundlagen, Tipps und Tricks ausführlich erklärt und alle Fragen beantwortet.

    Michael Tomin

    Feedback zur BricsCAD 3D Grundlagenschulung

    Es wurden viele Themengebiete aufgegriffen. Es wurde individuell auf Einzelfragen eingegangen. Die Erklärungen waren insgesamt zielführend und gut, es war nett und freundlich (Keine Selbstverständlichkeit mehr heute).

    Andreas, Albrecht

    Feedback zur BricsCAD 2D Grundlagenschulung

    Meine Erwartungen waren hoch, und die Themenbereiche waren genau aus meinem Interessensbereich. Wir als Teilnehmer haben Zugang zu den neuesten BIM-Softwareanwendungen erhalten und haben gelernt, wie man sie effektiv einsetzt.Anhand von praktischen Beispielen und Übungen konnte das gelernte Wissen angewendet werden.Meine Teilnahme an diesem Schulungsseminar zur 3D-Modellierung war äußerst lohnend. Die Schulung war sehr informativ und hilfreich.

    Martina Fubel

    Feedback zur BricsCAD BIM


    Die Schulung war sehr hilfreich für Einsteiger. Auch die Videos auf der Webseite sind spitze!Für CAD Anfänger absolut empfehlenswert. Jederzeit wieder :)

    Michelle, Brix

    Feedback zur BricsCAD 2D Grundlagenschulung

    Die gut strukturierte Führung durch die Schulung. Fragen wurden kompetent und umgehend beantwortet. Alles in allem eine sehr gute Schulung.

    Thorsten Seifert

    Feedback zur BricsCAD 2D Grundlagenschulung

    Die Dozentin war sehr strukturiert, sehr gut vorbereitet, ist auf alle Fragen detailliert eingegangen und hat -wenn sie etwas nicht auf Anhieb wusste- in den Pausen die Antwort gefunden.

    Tasja Röse-Koyro

    Feedback zur BricsCAD 2D Grundlagenschulung

    Strukturierter Aufbau, gutes Fachwissen, ausgewogenes Verhältnis zwischen Erklärung und Übungen, Möglichkeit eigene Fragen zu konkreten Problemstellungen zu stellen und beantworten zu lassen

    Georg Winkler

    Feedback zur BricsCAD 2D Grundlagenschulung

    Es wurde gut erklärt und anschließend probiert und geübt. Fragen könnten gut geklärt werden. Zusätzlich wurden viele Tips und Infos gegeben.

    Claudia Krieg

    Feedback zur BricsCAD 2D Grundlagenschulung

    Für mich sollte es eine Auffrischung für AutoCAD sein bzw. Parallelen zu BricsCAD kennenzulernen, diese habe ich auch erhalten. Ich habe Infos und Tipps bekommen und meine Fragen sind auch gut beantwortet worden.

    Peggy von Itter

    Feedback zu BricsCAD 2D - Umstieg von AutoCAD/LT

Optimize your design processes with BricsCAD, increase efficiency, and reduce costs with our CAD software solutions.

Optimize your design processes with BricsCAD, increase efficiency, and reduce costs with our CAD software solutions.

BricsCAD® Lite

Ideal for precise 2D design, BricsCAD Lite offers a powerful, DWG-compatible drawing software that combines a familiar interface with an affordable, perpetual licensing option. Perfect for users who want to create straightforward and reliable drawings in a familiar environment.



BricsCAD® Pro

Expand your design possibilities with BricsCAD Pro, which combines advanced 2D and 3D modeling tools in a flexible software package. Whether for construction or creative modeling, BricsCAD Pro offers an intuitive user interface and seamless workflows.




Embrace the future of building with BricsCAD BIM, an AI-supported BIM software for architects and civil engineers. Create precise models and plans using an open, DWG-based system that enables seamless collaboration with third-party software.



BricsCAD® Mechanical

From design to assembly, BricsCAD Mechanical supports the entire mechanical engineering process with a comprehensive toolbox. Based on DWG and combined with 3D direct modeling, engineers can effortlessly create and customize complex mechanical designs.



Bricsys 24/7

Bricsys 24/7 is a cloud-based Common Data Environment for document management and workflow automation. Access and share your documents from anywhere with your global teams.


BricsCAD® Ultimate

Leverage the power of BricsCAD® Lite, Pro, BIM, and Mechanical in a comprehensive and cost-effective package!